Saturday, June 12, 2010


dustin' off the blog with a post about some of my randomly favorite things......

Starting with......1. kids!!!! my kids....your kids.....happy kids, crying kids, sleeping kids.....i loves me some kids!

2. when someone else does my yard work. doesn't matter who.....if it aint me, then i'm happy! whenever someone tells me they like gardening, that its relaxing.....i think they must be a bit nuts. i hate it. it's a dirty job, lots of bugs. don't get me wrong, its not very often that someone will just come over and take this awful job from me, but when it happens.....woo hoo! you can't tell by looking at these photos, but i am totally doing a happy jig behind the lens!

3. its obvious that my job MUST be on this list....i never liked any of my jobs till i became a photographer. i have been an injury claims rep, customer service rep, mary kay rep, and more....although previous jobs may have been interesting, they were never "me" the way photography is. it is by far my favorite job! and this one is a two-fer, because I have to give photo credit for the following photo of me at work to seth jacobson, who is one of my favorite photographers to work with!

4. four town farm! it's right around the corner from my house, and they have so many wonderful things! strawberry picking, flower picking....the best corn on the cobb ever! and so much more! taking the kids there is one of our favorite things to do!

5. summer is definitely my favorite! do i even need to explain why?

and lastly: Buddy the elf said it best, "I just like to smile. Smiling's my favorite!"

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