The holidays are upon us and for most of us, that is a joyous time. But for some, the road can be difficult. And for this group, in which I am amongst, we try to hold our head high, plaster on a smile and tell everyone it is ok. And most of the time, we will get through the day, as much of a struggle it may be, and our heads will hit the pillow at night, and we pray to anyone who is listening that maybe tomorrow will be better.
There are people we have known our whole lives who we realize we didn't really know at all, and people who we just meet who we feel like we have been connected to for ever. There are people who you never thought would be there for you in your time of need, who shine like stars, and of course, those who don't.
This is the time of year where we hear holiday wish lists that include clothes, jewelry, trips even.....mine is so much simpler. It would be something like I song I heard once, maybe I'd ask for a rose, or a call from work, or someone to open a door for me.... because sometimes its the little things that can bring so much happiness.
I wish all of you a happy healthy holiday season, but for those of you especially who this time of year may be a bit difficult, my holiday wish is that maybe it won't be so hard to put on that smile, and maybe you might get a rose for the holiday.