took my girls to 4 Town Farm located in Seekonk to pick some fresh flowers. they have quite an array of flower varieties to choose from, AND you get to pick your own! it's fun and inexpensive, and, well, who doesn't love picking flowers???

there are just rows among rows of beautiful flowers

yellow flowers make me happy....

as do these strawberry looking flowers....sorry i don't know the "technical" term for them, but i just don't have a green thumb. I do however, have an appreciation for those who do.

here are my beauties, each with their own bucket. sharing is over-rated sometimes.

um, i think purple flowers also make me happy.

purple and yellow flowers? yes please.

working our way thru the rows....

does anyone know what these are called? I don't know what it is about them, but I think they are the neatest thing.

and this photo here, you may think my daughters are looking so relaxed here, but through clenched teeth they were yelling at me to hurry up as there was a bee or two fluttering about. all for the cause. its a great photo!

whether you take a stroll, or go for a ride, find yourself at 4-town farm. You won't be disappointed!