Tuesday, June 1, 2010

it's all about color!

it's no big secret....i'm a geek at heart. i'll be on the computer for hours and my kids or husband will ask what I am doing, and I am just looking at other photographer's photos or perusing their blogs. i find it gives me inspiration, energizes me. most of the blogs i "stalk" on a regular basis aren't even from around here. wes (the hubby) will come over and see me browsing thru photos and he'll ask me how I have even came across these blogs from photographers across the country and honestly, i don't even know. so while wes will go on-line and watch music videos or you-tube some ridiculously funny video, i'm being my dorky self and pouring over endless wedding photos, or baby photos or photos of any kind really. I wonder who the kids will think is the cool parent. it's ok, i'm learning to embrace my geeky side.

i have noticed that the blogs i go to, i am usually drawn to something in particular. lately, it has been photos that have a bit of a color cast to them, just subtle enough to notice. the only way to really explain it best is to just show you....


there's just something about the second photo that I love. well, more than just something. First, it's Liz's gorgeous smile. (Liz is amazing. She owns Soiree Salon in riverside and she is truly talented. There is a blog on the way about her and the salon too...so keep your eyes peeled for the soiree girls and their hotness!) But the other thing I love about the photo is the earthy color.

here are more:


gosh how I love my girls!



now I know what your thinking. the before photos are already pretty nice. yes, I am awesome like that. and little Gian in the above photos is a natural at being my model. That all being said, I really love the tones of the after shots. what do y'all think?

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