Monday, August 22, 2011

just a little walking adventure

the weather today was just so beautiful....i thought....we should go for a walk. simple enough some would say....but not for this clan. the big decision then was where to go? i gave the girls two choices, blackstone blvd, or another walking trail in which i cannot name....for this, you will understand why as my story goes on....

on the way out the door, i grabbed the trusty camera....why? well why not?
i got some great shots!

they really look like they like each other, right? don't let these photos fool you....there was a promise of gum for anyone who behaves!

i know i have said this time and time again, but out-takes are by far my fave. and this next one is my definitely the favorite of the day. i think there was some squeezing going on here, but whatever, i love it!

cute, right?

not a split second later, and one was squeezing the others hand just a little too hard....

then a turn of events, my girls wanted to be the photographer.....i'm pretty happy with the ones madison shot....

ahh, but brooky did really well too! great composition!!! tell me she's not a genius for knowing about the rule of thirds at age 7!

got the camera back in my possession and took one last shot....look.....even their shadows are fighting....

so, we called it a wrap right here, and then we had a poison ivy we hurried back to the car and drove home, only to find that my house key was indeed gone....lost somewhere out on the trail...which is why i will not disclose the location of our adventure.....
just a typical day in the life......but it sure is fun!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Summer Days

this summer has passed me by in a blur. i am seeing facebook posts from teacher friends announcing that their summer is over. how did this happen? it feels like it just started! now, i don't know if ya'll do this, but when i start to feel like something is ending, i like to go through my photos and find where this "something" began....and thats what i did. by doing so, i came across these treasures that i literally took the first few days of school vacation.

summer is just lazy, and i love it. no plans? no worries. lets just set up a sprinkler or sit outside and make friendship bracelets. better yet, lets do both!

it's really not summer without pink leopard flip flops.

i know every mom says this about her children, but really, my girls are just too cute.

but, the cuteness must come to an end, and driving mom (and each other) batty must begin at some point. and the following photos will prove this to be fact.

now, forgive the blurriness of the following photo, but it really cracks me up. i know all you moms reading this are feelin' me here.

now i can't recall with 100% certainty, but i can almost guarantee that i was pleading with my girlies to just give me one smiley shot....

and there it is....

enjoy the lazy days of summer, whats left of it anyway!

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